Legal Disclaimer
No Legal Advice Warning
The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice on any subject or matter. The outcome of any legal case depends on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the facts of your case, the statutory and regulations in effect at the time of the incident that is the subject matter of your case, and the jurisdiction where the action of your case occurred. No reader, recipient, or anyone else should act upon or refrain from acting on the basis of any information contained on this website without first seeking the advice of legal counsel.
The content of this site is general in nature and may not reflect the latest policies, laws, and regulations of the State of Ohio or any governmental agencies within the United States, or the State of Ohio.
Limitations of Liability
Peter J. Binning specifically disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken as a result of any and all content of this website.
Some links on this website leads to other websites both affiliated, and not affiliated, with Peter J. Binning. These links are provided for your education and as a convenience to you. The presence of any such link does not imply that Peter J. Binning endorses, agrees with, or in any way recommends the services or reliability of any person, business, entity, or other associations who have information contained on those linked pages.
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The information contained on this site generally applies only to the State of Ohio, and is not meant to represent that the laws, policies, procedures, and guidelines that apply in the State of Ohio also apply in any other State or jurisdiction. Every state has differing laws that may or may not have similarities and dissimilarities from the State of Ohio.
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Any information sent through this website, or sent as a result of information contained on this website, does not create an attorney/client relationship. An attorney/client relationship may only be formed after agreement between you and Peter J. Binning, or his legally recognized appointee.
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By using this website you agree that the exclusions and limitations of liability as set forth in this Legal Disclaimer are reasonable. If you disagree they are reasonable, then you must not view, disseminate, or otherwise use this website in any manner, or for any purpose.
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This disclaimer was created on behalf of Peter J. Binning by Warhorse Marketing, Corp. You may not use this disclaimer, or any portion thereof without the express written consent of Warhorse Marketing, Corp. and Peter J. Binning. You agree that you will pay Warhorse Marketing, Corp. a fee of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) U.S. currency for each violation of the use of this provision. A violation is determined by each page this disclaimer appears or is directly accessible from.