Blood Test for Alcohol

Breath tests used to be the standard chemical test for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in the United States. But blood tests steadily gained traction as more people began realizing the unreliability of the breath test and refused to submit to it. The police—assisted by the government—are combating this trend by obtaining warrants for blood samples, with the excuse that the blood test is more accurate than the breath test. But this is simply untrue; there are a variety of different ways the blood test can give an incorrect result. Columbus DUI attorneyPeter Binning wants you to be fully informed of the basis of the blood alcohol test.

The advent of No Refusal Weekends across the country allow the police to obtain a warrant for a blood sample very easily. The phrase “No Refusal” is misleading, as it does not mean that you have to submit to any and all tests offered by the police. They only apply to the blood test and the evidential breathalyzer, not the portable breath tester offered at the roadside. The police will make the choice of whether to administer the blood or evidential breath test to you, but you are allowed to pay out of pocket for a different type of test if you wish.

As blood warrants under the No Refusal Weekend program become more popular, it is important to understand what your rights are. At no point can you refuse to take a test than an officer has a warrant for. Refusal will only result in harsher penalties as well as physical injury, as the police will have to restrain you in order to obtain your court-ordered sample.

If the police obtain a blood sample from you, whether by consent or a warrant, Columbus DUI attorney Peter Binning has the training and knowledge you need to fight your DUI charge. The blood test is not foolproof; there are still methods we can use to defend you! Call our offices today for a no-obligation consultation.

